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get my rates

Thank you for your interest in finding out about my voice over rates. I book with standard, professional, Non-Union GVAA Rates. The GVAA Rate Guide was established so that non-union voice actors and their clients can be on the same page when it comes to the rates that professional voice actors expect to be paid and what the clients should expect to pay. It also lets you know that I'm not just pulling numbers out of the air. If you are interested, you can have a look at the rate guide, HERE.


I would be happy to give you a custom quote for your project. However, in order for me to provide you with an accurate quote, it's essential that you fill out all fields in the form below and provide me with as much usage information as you can. This includes how long the audio will be used, if it's for paid placement, and where it will be used (is it for YouTube, a website, tv, radio, social media, etc.). Providing the length of the script would also be very helpful. You may also send an email directly to with your script and details. 

Tell me about your script...

Your form was successfully submitted. I will be in touch shortly with your detailed rate quote.

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